DDB UK Limited

 Privacy Notice  


This Privacy Notice sets out how DDB UK Limited ( “DDB” , “we”, “us” or “our”) processes your personal data in connection with our business, including the provision of any website that links to this Privacy Notice (“Site”) and the services we offer (“Services”).

This Privacy Notice explains our approach to any personal data that we might collect from you (i) when you use our Site or Services (ii) during any other interactions with us, or (iii) which we might otherwise process when providing Services to our clients (including the personal data we collect, why we collected it and your rights in respect of our processing of your personal data).

This Privacy Notice is intended to assist you in making informed decisions when using the Site and our Services.  Please take a moment to read and understand this Privacy Notice. This Privacy Notice should be read in conjunction with our Cookie Notice.

Finally, this Privacy Notice is intended to meet the requirements of the Regulation (EU) 2016/79 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (known as “GDPR”), as well as the “UK GDPR” (as defined in the UK Data Protection Act 2018). When we say GDPR, we mean both the EU and UK versions.


This Privacy Notice only applies to the use of your personal data obtained by us, whether from you directly or from a third party.  It does not apply to personal data collected by third parties during your communications with those third parties or your use of their products or services (for example, where you follow links on our Site to third party websites over which we have no control).

Further, this Privacy Notice is not intended to cover the processing of workplace personal data.  Accordingly, if you are engaged as a worker for us, please see our Workplace Privacy Notice which sets out further information about how we may process your personal data in connection with your employment and/or engagement.


We will update this Privacy Notice from time to time to reflect any changes or proposed changes to our use of your personal data, or to comply with changes in applicable law or regulatory requirements.  We may notify you by email of any significant changes to this Privacy Notice, but we encourage you to review this Privacy Notice periodically to keep up to date on how we use your personal data.  If we update this Privacy Notice, we will update the effective date at the top of the page.


The Site and Services are made available by DDB UK Limited, a company registered in England, company number 00933578, with its registered office at 12 Bishops Bridge Road, London, W2 6AA.

For the purpose of this Privacy Notice and the GDPR, unless we state otherwise, we shall be considered a data controller of your personal data in connection with use cases identified in this Privacy Notice. Please note that in many cases where we process data in relation to Services that we provide, we may carry out the activities referred to in this Privacy Notice in our capacity as a data processor acting on behalf of our clients.  We have made this distinction clear in the Privacy Notice.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice or want to exercise your rights as a data subject set out in this Privacy Notice, you can contact us using the following methods:

EmailSend us an email at: [email protected]
PostWrite to us at DDB Group Inc.
Attn: Data Protection Officer
12 Bishops Bridge Road, London, W2 6AA
Telephone+44 (0) 207 258 3979


When we talk about personal data, we mean any information which relates to an identified or identifiable living individual.  Individuals might be identified by reference to a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier (such as an IP address) or to other factors that are specific to them, such as their physical appearance.  Categories of personal data we may collect and process about you include:

Identity DataFirst name; last name.
Contact DataDelivery address; billing address; email address; telephone number; social media handle.
Applicant DataDate of birth; gender; country; nationality; CVs, work experience; dietary requirements any other personal data that you may provide in advance of/during your supply of services to us.
Image DataPhotos; video recordings.
Financial DataBank account details; partial payment card details.
Transaction DataDetails about payments made between you and us; details of services purchased from us.
Profile DataInterests and preferences; contact/marketing preferences; feedback and survey responses; whether you have participated in any promotions or competitions; and the content of any messaging you send, including when you use any enquiry form on the Site.
Behavioral DataData relating to your browsing activity, obtained through the use of cookies, pixel tags and other similar technologies; information about when your current or previous sessions started; details about any services you viewed through the Site.
Technical DataIP address; browser type and operating system; geolocation, to ensure we’re showing you the correct notices and information; any other unique numbers assigned to a device.
Publicly Available DataInformation about articles (or similar) that you may have published; information about your interests or affiliations or publicly stated positions on political matter, corporate matters and similar.

For more information about the personal data we collect please refer to the How we use personal data section.


We may collect and receive your personal data using different methods:

Personal data you provide to usYou may give us your personal data directly, for example, when you obtain services via our Site, contact us with enquiries, complete forms on our Site, subscribe to receive our marketing communications or provide feedback to us.
Personal data we collect automatically, including using cookies and other similar technologiesWhen you access and use our Site, we may collect certain Behavioral Data and Technical Data automatically, including through our use of cookies and other similar technologies. For more information about our use of non-essential cookies and other similar technologies, see the Website insight and analysis section and our Cookie Notice.
Personal data received from third partiesWe may receive personal data about you from third parties. Such third parties may include analytics providers, data brokers, third party directories and third parties that provide technical services to us so that we can provide our Site and our Services.
Publicly available personal dataFrom time to time, we may collect personal data about you (Identity Data, Contact Data, or Publicly Available Data) that is contained in publicly available sources (including open source data sets or media reports) or that you or a third party may otherwise make publicly available (for example through speeches at events or publishing articles or other news stories or posts on social media platforms).

We collect and process personal data from the following people:

Site visitorsWe will collect and process your personal data in connection with your interaction with us and our Site.
People who contact us with enquiriesIf you contact us with an enquiry through our Site, submit a complaint or provide any feedback to us in our surveys and feedback forms, we will collect and process your personal data in connection with your interaction with us and our Site.
Client personnelWe may collect and process your personal data in connection with the supply of services to you and/or your organization.
TalentIf you supply services and/or content to us and/or work with us to provide services to our clients (including featuring in content we produce), we may collect or process your personal data, such as your Identity Data, Contact Data, Financial Data, CVs in connection with such supply of services and/or content to us and our clients.
Partner/supplier personnelIf you (or your organization) supply products or services to us or otherwise partner with us, we may collect and process your personal data in connection with our receipt of those products and services and/or partnership. This may include personal data included in any email or telephone communications or recorded on any document relating to an order for the products or services, such as your Contact Data.
Visitors to our office, studios or other locationsIf you attend one of our physical offices, studios or other locations, we may process personal data that you volunteer in connection with your visit and any enquiries you make. For example, you may volunteer personal data when signing in as a guest. CCTV footage may also be collected for security purposes.
Event attendeesIf you attend one of our events, we will process personal data about you in connection with your attendance at the event. For example, we may ask you to complete a registration or feedback form, or other documents relating to the event.
Job applicantsIf you apply for a job with us, whether through the Site or otherwise, we will collect and process your personal data in connection with your application.
Members of the publicWe may process your data in connection with the provision of the Services to our clients.


I. Operation of the Site

If you browse our Site

When you browse our Site, we may process Technical Data, including through our use of essential cookies and other similar technologies, to provide our Site to you.

Our legal basis for processing

It is necessary for us to use your personal data to perform our obligations in accordance with any contract that we may have with you for the Services, or it is in our legitimate interest to use personal data in such a way to ensure that we provide access to our Site in a secure and effective way.

If interact with our social media pages

If you interact with our social media pages such as on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn, we and the relevant social media platform may receive information relating to such interaction.

The relevant social media platform may also be a controller in respect of the personal data that is collected via your use of our social media pages and may use that personal data for additional purposes. For details of how the relevant social media platform uses your personal data, please see the privacy notice of the relevant social media platform.

Our legal basis for processing

It is in our legitimate interest to use personal data in the ways described above to ensure that we provide the Site in an effective way and to promote our Site and our Services via social media.

Website insight and analysis

We and our third-party partners use cookies, web beacons, pixel tags and other similar technologies (which we generically refer to as “Cookies”) to collect data from the devices that you use to access our Site.  The data that is collected includes Behavioral Data and Technical Data, and certain Profile Data.  Please see our Cookie Notice for further information, including details of our third-party partners.

We and our third-party partners use this data to analyze how you use our Site and our Services and the effectiveness of our Site and Services, including:

  • to analyze how you use, and the effectiveness of, our Site and Services;
  • to improve our Site and Services;
  • to count users who have visited our Site and collect other types of information, including insights about visitor browsing habits, which helps us to improve our Site and Services;
  • to measure the effectiveness of our content;
  • to learn what parts of our Site are most attractive to our users, which parts of our Site are the most interesting and what kind of features and functionalities our visitors like to see;
  • to help us understand the type of marketing content that is most likely to appeal to our visitors and customers.

Our legal basis for processing

Where your data is collected through the use of non-essential Cookies, we rely on consent to collect your personal data and for the onward processing purpose. Please see our Cookie Notice for further details.

In certain circumstances, we may rely on another lawful basis when we use your personal data collected via the use of Cookies.  For example, where we use personal data collected through the use of analytics cookies to analyze how you use our Site, it is in our legitimate interest to use your personal data in such a way to improve our Site and Services.

II. Provision of our Services

Content creation and managing talent

As part of our content creation services to clients, we maintain talent databases which includes Identity Data, Contact Data, Applicant Data and Publicly Available Data as well as biography and personal preferences of individuals we may use for a particular campaign.  We use this information for the purpose of selecting talent for a particular campaign and working with that talent.  We may obtain this information directly from the individual, via third party recruiters or agents, or publicly available sources.

As part of creating the content featuring the talent, we will process their Image Data as well as Identity and Applicant Data.

Our legal basis for processing

It is in our legitimate interests (or those of our clients) to process talent personal data in this way to enable us to provide our services. 

Where we process special category data in connection with this purpose that was collected from you directly, we will only do so with your explicit consent.  Where we obtain this special category from publicly available sources, we will rely on the fact that the individual made such information manifestly public.  Where we do this on behalf of our clients as a data processor, we do not require a legal basis for such processing.

Provision of client facing services

We may, acting on our own behalf and on behalf of our clients, collect personal data about you (including the personal data we set out in the Types of personal data we collect/process section) in connection with the provision of our Services.

Our legal basis for processing

It is in our legitimate interests (or those of our clients) to process personal data in this way to enable us to provide our services.  Where we do this on behalf of our clients as a data processor, we do not require a legal basis for such processing.

Where your data is collected through the use of cookies that are not strictly necessary, we rely on consent to collect your personal data and for the onward processing purpose.  Please see our Cookie Notice for further details.

III. Marketing, Online Advertising and Media Enquires


We may use your Identity Data, Contact Data and Profile Data to send you (or the organization you represent) marketing communications by email or via phone.  Our marketing will include press releases and information about us.  

Our legal basis for processing

It is in our legitimate interest to use your personal data in this way to ensure the promotion of our services is tailored and/or appealing to you and/or the organization you work for although sometimes we may also obtain your consent.

Advertising to you on Social Media

We may share your data with third party providers of social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, to “match” your data with the data of their registered users, so that our advertising can be served to you when you use those platforms.

Our legal basis for processing

It is in our legitimate interest to use your personal data in this way to promote our Services to you. Please review the privacy notice of the relevant social media platform for more information about how they process your personal data.

Advertising to other people who share similar interests and characteristics to you on Social Media

When we share your data with third party providers of social media platforms as described above, we may ask the third party providers of those services to find other registered users of their services who share similar interests and characteristics to you, which will be based on information that the third party holds about you and its other registered users, so that we can serve our advertising to those users.

This is known as “lookalike” audience advertising because we are trying to show our advertising to people who “look like” you.

Please note that such activity is also subject to the privacy choices you have elected to make on such third-party services.

Our legal basis for processing

It is in our legitimate interest to use your personal data in this way to promote our Services to other individuals that are likely to be interested in our Services. Please review the privacy notice of the relevant social media platform for more information about how they process your personal data.

Online advertising and insights

We and our third party partners may use Behavioral Data and Technical Data to provide you with, and analyze the effectiveness of, ads when you visit other websites and/or use other services (including the social media and other platforms described above).

Our legal basis for processing

We rely on any consent that you have provided via the website or other service where you see our ads, or it is otherwise in our legitimate interests to promote our Site and our Services to you.

Media and informational inquiries.

We may collect personal data (including Identity Data, Contact Data and Publicly Available Data) about journalists, client contacts or industry contacts for interview requests, for media questions, or requests for information about DDB.  We may also provide individuals with the opportunity to sign up for newsletters or to receive copies of blogs and other information that we make available.  Where an individual signs up to receive such information, Contact Data may be requested in each case, together with details of other personal data that is relevant to these inquiries. This information is used in order to enable us to respond to individual requests or media requests.

Our legal basis for processing

It is in our legitimate interests (and those of our clients) to process personal data in this way to ensure we provide the services requested by our clients in an effective and efficient way and that we provide the right information to those who request it.


Receipt of services

If we have engaged an organization to provide us or our clients with services (for example, IT support or financial advice), we will collect and process your personal data (including Contact and Identity Data) if you are a contact within the relevant organization in order to manage our relationship or our clients with the organization, to receive services from the organization and, where relevant, to provide our services to others including our clients.

Our legal basis for processing

It is necessary for us to use personal data in this way to perform our obligations in accordance with any contract that we may have with the organization, or it is in our legitimate interest to use personal data in such a way to ensure that we have an effective working relationship with the organization and are able to provide our services to others in an effective way.  Where we do this on behalf of our clients as a data processor, we do not require a legal basis for such processing.


If individuals apply for a job with us or otherwise express an interest in working for us, we will collect contact details and CV or resume information from the individual.  We use such personal data for the following purposes: a) to assess the individual’s suitability for any position for which they applied (or future positions for which we think the individual may be suitable) including employment or freelancer positions, summer placements or internships and also any business support or services role whether such application has been received by us online, via email or by hard copy or in person application; b) to take any steps necessary to enter into any contract of employment (or otherwise) with the individual; c) to comply with any regulatory or legal obligations in relation to any such application; and d) to review our equal opportunity profile in accordance with applicable legislation. We do not discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, ethnic origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability or any other basis covered by local legislation. 

What is our legal basis?

Where we use personal data in connection with recruitment and talent management it will be in connection with us entering into a legal contract with them or it is in our legitimate interest to use personal data in such a way to ensure that we can make the best recruitment and talent management decisions for DDB, or it is our legal obligation to use such personal data to comply with any legal obligations imposed upon us.  We will not process any special data except where we are able to do so under applicable legislation or with the individual’s explicit consent.

Visiting our premises, studios or production sites

If an individual visits any of our premises, studios and/or production sites we may collect personal data including Identity or Contact Data as part of our sign in process.  We may also capture their image on our surveillance camera or CCTV.

If an individual accesses Wi-Fi at any of our premises, we may process Behavioral and Technical Data in connection with any use of this free Wi-Fi service for monitoring and record-keeping purposes, including to identify the source of service requests, optimize and maintain performance of the Wi-Fi service, and investigate and prevent system abuse.

Our legal basis for processing

It is in our legitimate interests to process personal data in this way for security reasons:

Where we process personal data in connection with providing access to our free Wi-Fi service, it is in our legitimate interests to process personal data in this way to provide the service.

Where we monitor use of our free Wi-Fi service to ensure proper use of the system, we process personal data for monitoring and record-keeping purposes based on guest user consent.  

Business administration, finance, and legal compliance.

We may use an individual’s personal data (including Identity Data, Contact Data, Financial Data, Transaction Data, Publicly Available Data) for the following business administration and legal compliance purposes:

  • to facilitate the operation or effective management of our group of businesses;
  • for financial, accounting and tax purposes;
  • to comply with our legal obligations;
  • to enforce or protect our legal rights;
  • to deal with complaints;
  • to protect the rights of third parties (including where health or security of an individual is endangered (e.g. a fire); and
  • in connection with a business transaction or sale such as a merger, re-organization, acquisition by another company, or sale of all or a portion of our assets.

Our legal basis for processing

Where we use personal data in connection with a business transaction, to enforce our legal rights or to protect the rights of third parties, it is in our legitimate interest to do so.  For all other purposes described in this section, we will rely on our obligation to comply with law (including any court order) to process such personal data.

We will not process any special (or sensitive) categories of personal data or personal data relating to criminal convictions or offences except where we are able to do so under applicable legislation or with the individual’s explicit consent.


Where we are required by law to collect your personal data, or we need to collect your personal data under the terms of a contract we have with you, and you fail to provide that personal data when we request it, we may not be able to perform the contract we have or are trying to enter into with you. This may apply where you do not provide the personal data that we need in order to provide the Services you have requested from us or to process an application for employment with us.  In this case, we may have to cancel your application or the provision of the relevant Services to you, in which case we will notify you.


We only share personal data with others when we are legally permitted to do so.  When we share personal data with others, we put contractual arrangements and security mechanisms in place to protect the personal data shared and to comply with our data protection, confidentiality and security standards and obligations.

We are part of the Omnicom Group of marketing and PR firms and (subject to the above) may share data with Omnicom Group companies, Omnicom Networks or with our partner agencies.  For more information about the Omnicom Group, please see here: https://www.omnicomgroup.com/our-agencies/

Further (again subject to the above) we may share your personal data with third parties as set out in the table below. This list is non-exhaustive and there may be circumstances where we need to share personal data with other third parties.

Our clientsWe may share personal data with our clients for the purposes of providing them with Services.
Third-party IT suppliersWe may share personal data with third parties who support us in providing our Site and help provide, run, and manage our internal IT systems. Such third parties may also include, for example, providers of information technology, cloud-based software-as-a-service providers, identity management, website design, hosting and management, data analysis, data backup, security, and storage services. The servers powering and facilitating that cloud infrastructure are located in secure data centers around the world, and personal data may be stored in any one of them. We may also share your personal data with third-party service providers to assist us with insight analytics. These providers are described in our Cookie Notice.
Payment providers and banksWe may share personal data with third parties who assist us with our invoicing and/or making/receiving payments.
Third-party post/email marketing and CRM specialistsWe may share personal data with specialist suppliers who assist us in managing our marketing database and sending out email marketing communications.
Recruitment agencies and related organizationsWe may share personal data with external recruiters, third-party providers that undertake background checks on our behalf and other entities within our group of companies for recruitment purposes.
Auditors, lawyers, accountants and other professional advisersWe may share personal data with professional services firms who advise and assist us in relation to the lawful and effective management of our organization and in relation to any disputes we may become involved in.
Law enforcement or other government and regulatory agencies and bodiesWe may share personal data with law enforcement or other government and regulatory agencies or other third parties as required by, and in accordance with, applicable law or regulation.
Other third partiesOccasionally, we may receive requests from third parties with authority to obtain disclosure of personal data, such as to check that we are complying with applicable law and regulation, to investigate an alleged crime, or to establish, exercise or defend legal rights. We will only fulfil requests for personal data where we are permitted to do so in accordance with applicable law or regulation.

We may transmit personal data to certain third parties (as listed in the Sharing your personal data section) that are located in countries that do not protect personal data to the same standard as the GDPR,  including to: (1) our different global offices; and (2) the offices of other global DDB entities, Omnicom Group entities, networks or partner agencies.

These countries may not give you the same rights in relation to your personal data and may not have a data protection supervisory authority to help you if you have any concerns about the processing of your personal data.

However, when transferring your personal data, we will ensure that, where required by the GDPR, at least one of the following applies: (1) we will only transfer your personal data to countries or organisations that have been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data by the UK Government or the European Commission; or (2) we may use specific contracts approved by the UK Government or the European Commission referred to as the “Standard Contractual Clauses” or “SCCs” which give personal data the same protection it has in the UK and EU.

To find out more about the SCCs we use, please see: Standard contractual clauses for international transfers | European Commission (europa.eu) or please email us at [email protected].


Where our use of your personal data requires your consent, you can provide such consent:

  • at the time that we collect your personal data following the instructions provided; or
  • by informing us by e-mail, post or phone using the contact details set out in this Privacy Notice.

Please note that if you specifically consent to additional uses of your personal data, we may use your personal data in a manner consistent with that consent.


We are committed to keeping the personal data you provide to us secure and we have implemented information security policies, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data under our control from unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification and unlawful destruction or accidental loss.  In addition, all our employees and data processors (i.e., those who process your personal data on our behalf) are obliged to respect the confidentiality of the personal data of all users of our Site and those who purchase our Services.


You have the following rights in relation to the personal data we hold about you under certain circumstances:

  • To obtain the confirmation that we process personal data about you, to access and obtain copies of the information, as well as information relating to the processing we carry out.
  • To request your personal data be corrected where appropriate.
  • If personal data we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you may request that data be amended. However, please be aware that it is every person’s responsibility to provide us with accurate personal data and to inform us of any changes (e.g. new home address or change of name).
  • To request your personal data be deleted, where appropriate.
  • If you demonstrate that the purpose for which the personal data is being processed is no longer legal or appropriate, the data will be deleted, unless we can demonstrate that we are required to retain the personal data by applicable law or otherwise.
  • If we have shared your personal data with others, we will let them know about the deletion where possible. If you ask us, where it is possible and lawful for us to do so, we will also tell you who we have shared your personal information with so that you can contact them directly.
  • To request that we restrict the processing of your personal data in some circumstances, such as where you contest the accuracy of the personal data, while we investigate your concern.
  • It will not prevent us from storing your personal information.
  • We will tell you before we lift any restriction.
  • If we have shared your personal information with others, we will let them know about the restriction where it is possible for us to do so.
  • If you ask us, where it is possible and lawful for us to do so, we will also tell you who we have shared your personal information with so that you can contact them directly
  • Where processing is based on your consent, to receive your personal data in a commonly used electronic format or ask that we move your personal data in that format to another provider, where your request relates to the personal data that you gave us directly and where technically possible.
  • To object to your personal data being processed where we are relying on ours or a third party’s legitimate interest to do so or for the purpose of direct marketing.
  • To withdraw your consent at any time when processing relies upon consent.

Data subjects may exercise these rights verbally or in writing using the contact information set out in the How to contact us section.   We will endeavor to promptly respond to your requests.  Where you ask us to provide a copy of your personal data, we are legally obliged to respond within one month of such request. If your request is denied, we will inform you about the reasons for denial.

Please note that in order for you to assert these rights, we may need to verify your identity to confirm your right to access your personal data.  This is a security measure to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it.  In order to verify your identity, we may need to gather more personal data from you than we currently have.

Lodging complaints

In addition, you may have the right to lodge certain complaints in relation to our processing of your personal data with regulators in your jurisdiction.

If you have a concern about any aspect of our privacy practices, including the way we have handled your personal data, we encourage you to first contact us using our contact information provided in the How to contact us section.

You can report your concerns to the following organizations:

European Economic AreaYou can find a list of supervisory authorities and their contact details for the EEA at http://ec.europa.eu/justice/data-protection/bodies/authorities/index_en.htm.
United KingdomThe Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) is the supervisory authority in the United Kingdom. Contact details for the ICO can be found at https://ico.org.uk.

To opt-out of any future promotional or marketing communications or any other commercial communications from us, you should send a request to us using the contact information set out in the How to contact us section.  


This Site contains links to third party websites and services.  Please remember that when you use a link to go from our Site to another website or you request a service from a third party, this Privacy Notice no longer applies to these third-party websites and third-party service providers unless we are acting as joint controllers in respect of your personal data with such third party.

Your browsing and interaction on any other websites, or your dealings with any other third-party service provider, is subject to that website’s or third-party service provider’s own rules and policies. We do not monitor, control, or endorse the privacy practices of any third parties.

This Site may integrate with social networking services.  You understand that we do not control such services and are not liable for the way they operate.  While we may provide you with the ability to use such services in connection with our Site, we are doing so merely as an accommodation and, like you, are relying upon those third-party services to operate properly and fairly.


We retain personal data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice, after which it is deleted from our systems.

If any personal data is only useful for a short period (e.g., for a specific event or marketing campaign or in relation to recruitment), we will delete it at the end of that period.  Please note that if you are an unsuccessful candidate, we may keep your information for a short period.

If you have opted out of receiving marketing communications from us, we will need to retain certain personal data on a suppression list so that we know not to send you further marketing communications in the future.


Our Site is not intended for use by, or targeted at, minors (individuals under the age of 18) and we do not knowingly collect personal data of minors.  However, due to the nature of our organization and the Services we provide, we may from time to time collect and process personal data relating to minors. If we do collect personal data of minors, we will comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the processing of personal data of minors.